Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Adventures in potty training

Daycare has its perks, I admit. One great thing: they (help to) potty train your kid. Downside is, you have minimal say on the timing, at least at our daycare center. Sam's on the potty training fast track these days and it's not because he's a bladder control prodigy. Nope, it's because, you know, there are tiny infants in our neighborhood whose moms and dads need to go back to work in January. So if Sam doesn't get his literal you-know-what together, there won't be space in the two-year-old room (sunshines!) for all those one-year-olds (moonbeams!) who are getting displaced to make room for ... the infants. It's somewhat surreal to me that my son has to give up his diapers because a stranger just had a baby, but there you go.

On the upside, he's looking forward to being a !starlight. (I know, I know. Ridiculous.)

Having said all that ... the potty training ... it's not going so well. The other day I sailed out of clinic early to pick him up for some much-anticipated library time. I found him sitting on the potty, singing a little song. After 20 solid minutes of, ahem, no productivity save that song, we left for the library. Once there, I plopped him back on the (cute, toddler-sized) toilet for another 15 minutes of nada. But five minutes -- FIVE minutes, people -- in the picture book room and he managed to pee on the floor and poo in his superhero underpants.

Whoever those new parents are, enjoying their babymoon, putting all thought of January and the end of parental leave out of their minds ... I kind of hated them in that moment.

1 comment:

lissawi said...

I'm sorry, but I can't help but laugh since I have so BTDT! Sam, I hope the potty thing goes better for you soon!